The IT platform that makes it easy to organize distance and blended learning
at school and significantly increase student performance and interest.

EDMAPS is a comprehensive system that will make your school more attractive, easier to administer, offer students a fun, game-based learning experience, and enable students to learn anywhere on any digital device.

What tasks do we help
solve edmaps?

Simple organization of the distance learning component

We ensure the integration process and provide full technical support during the launch. You will be able to start using the system a week after the start of the project. We provide a ready-to-use platform for organizing distance learning.

Stimulating students' interest and motivation

A modern game approach and mechanics to attract students' attention, stimulate the desire to learn and lead to a 61% increase in interest in learning and a 30% increase in success.

Digitalization of the administrative process

EDMAPS digitizes the management and control of the educational process through an electronic journal, diary and educational materials management system.

Simplifying the success analysis process

The platform monitors the activity of students in real time according to 142 parameters, and also provides the opportunity to personalize and generate reports: on success, the number of tasks completed, time spent using the platform, etc.

Significant time savings for teachers

An automated system for checking homework, conducting control works and tests allows to significantly reduce the time teachers need to assess students' knowledge.

Transparent control of education for parents

Through the mobile application, parents can see the key indicators of the child's success in real time, this allows to significantly simplify the process of communication between the school and parents.

Easy access to learning

The platform allows you to work from any device 24/7. Students can study at a convenient time, which allows the process to be adapted to the individual needs of each student.

Attracting new customers

Our platform provides a significant advantage over conventional schools. 92.4% of customers recommend schools based on EDMAPS to their relatives and friends.

Advantages of EDMAPS

For directors

Effective enhancement attractiveness of the school


average growth in student performance.


average increase in in student engagement.

  • The number of positive recommendations is increasing,
    which contributes to the reputation of the educational institution.
  • Students' academic performance and interest in learning are increasing
  • Communication between teachers, students and parents improves.
  • Provides a more individualized approach to teaching each student.
  • The efficiency of teachers' work increases.


average growth in student performance.


average increase in in student engagement.

For Administrators & Teachers

Tools that significantly improve efficiency work

  • The monitoring system simplifies the assessment
    of the level of students' knowledge and provides
    an opportunity to respond to their needs in a timely manner.
  • Automatic homework checking provides a significant
    reduction in the time spent by teachers.
  • Automated control and tests allow you to effectively
    simplify the process of assessing students' knowledge.
  • The use of an electronic journal and diary minimizes
    the need for paperwork and simplifies documentation.

For parents

All information about the child's education and progress in real time from the mobile application

  • Interest in learning increases and academic performance increases.
  • In the learning process, modern approaches are used,
    aimed at the development of the child's skills.
  • It is much easier to do housework.
  • It's easy to control the learning process with the help of
    a special mobile application for parents.
  • The process of communication with teachers is simplified.

For children

Interesting learning at the expense of game format

Exciting and modern design that stimulates and motivates active learning

Interactive maps for each subject, which contribute to curiosity and effective assimilation of the material.

Lessons with interactive tasks and videos that make learning interesting and engaging.

A system of game bonuses and rewards for completed tasks (coins, crystals and trophies), which encourages you to achieve success.

Each student has their own playable avatar that can be developed, which contributes to a sense of personal progress and achievement.

Customer reviews

The EDMAPS platform helps improve the quality of education and student performance through a number of objective factors:

Effective Organization of the Learning Process: EDMAPS provides convenient tools for lesson planning, assignment creation, and student performance assessment.
Enhancing Student Engagement: The gamified learning format on the EDMAPS platform encourages active student participation in the learning process, leading to better material retention.
Convenience for Teachers: EDMAPS simplifies teachers' work by automating the grading and reporting processes.
EDMAPS has become an indispensable tool for our school, directly impacting student performance levels and the quality of the educational process.

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Maxim Makarov

director of the private comprehensive school "IT STEP SCHOOL" Kyiv

EDMAPS is a bright solution both for online learning and for strengthening offline learning. A gamified educational platform is a truly breakthrough solution for children who are used to spending time on gadgets. This transforms the entire learning process, making it more effective and interesting for our students.

I also thank the EDMAPS team for their environmental cooperation, mutual understanding and quick response to requests.

Thanks to EDMAPS, we can diversify the educational process. Submitting complex material is simple. In addition, it is an opportunity for teachers to realize their creative potential.

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Alyona Kuzovenkova

Head of "KMDSH Lyceum Online"

I recommend EDMAPS as an innovative means of improving student achievement. While playing, children don't just learn, they get excited about the process. The game format used on the platform creates an incentive for active learning of the material. This allows not only to make learning more interesting, but also to increase the level of success of students. This approach to education allows children to learn the material better and achieve significant success in learning.

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Iryna Kolodzinska

director of the private comprehensive school "IT STEP SCHOOL" Zhytomyr

I wholeheartedly recommend EDMAPS! This platform will help you monitor the progress of students, make learning more interesting and effective. You will be able to easily organize distance learning, use interesting interactive materials and even save teachers' time on checking tasks. EDMAPS is a tool that will make your school better, contribute to the successful development of students and facilitate the work of the teaching staff.

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Mykhailo Zaremba

director of the private comprehensive school "IT STEP SCHOOL" Lviv

This system has been a real revelation for us, especially in terms of monitoring and improving student performance.

Thanks to this platform, we were able to effectively monitor the progress of each student in real time. The performance monitoring system is available to both teachers and parents, allows us to quickly respond to the needs of each student and ensures their academic success.

Thanks to EDMAPS, our school has seen a significant increase in student achievement. We received tools that help us effectively analyze and evaluate students' knowledge, which has already led to positive results in the educational process.

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Kvasha Oleksandr

director of the private comprehensive school "IT STEP SCHOOL" in Dnipro

EDMAPS has truly changed the way we think about blended learning and has had a positive impact on our school.

First of all, EDMAPS allows us to provide a convenient and effective educational process. Thanks to this platform, we can easily organize blended learning, which is becoming especially important in today's environment. Moreover, EDMAPS simplifies the administration of the learning process with an electronic journal and diary, and provides students with an exciting game-based learning format. This allows us to make the school more attractive for students and increase their academic performance and interest in learning.

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Svetlana Tira

director of the private secondary school "IT STEP SCHOOL" in KHARKIV

How to connect


Order a presentation of the platform.


Get demo access and test the capabilities of the system.


Sign the contract.


Receive training on how to use the platform's services.


Start training.

Order a presentation

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